TEXT ON SCREEN: Associate Degree in Engineering Technology. Sophie-Grace Thomson talks about what it’s like to study at RMIT. RMIT logo.
AUDIO: Ambient music.
VISUAL: Sophie standing facing the camera in a classroom.
SOPHIE SPEAKS: In high school I was good at maths and physics and I was really creative, as well.
VISUAL: Various short of Sophie playing with a wooden prototype structure.
SOPHIE SPEAKS: So Civil Engineering seemed like a path for me. It's different every day. It's challenging. I meet a lot of great people.
VISUAL: Two moving images of Sophie smiling, accompanied by written text: “Why choose an Associate Degree?”
VISUAL: Split screen, on the left is Sophie addressing the camera and on the right she is demonstrating the wooden prototype.
SOPHIE SPEAKS: It was a nice transition just from high school to uni.
VISUAL: Students in a lab looking at engineering equipment.
SOPHIE SPEAKS: It's a big step anyway and there's still small classroom sizes. They give you a lot of support.
VISUAL: Two moving images of Sophie smiling, accompanied by written text: “What were the highlights?”
VISUAL: Sophie standing facing the camera in a classroom.
SOPHIE SPEAKS: We've had industry experts come in and talk to us...
VISUAL: Sophie working on an assignment.
SOPHIE SPEAKS: ...specifically about our assignments and also about future opportunities.
VISUAL: Two moving images of Sophie smiling, accompanied by written text: “What’s next for you?”
VISUAL: Split screen, on the left is Sophie addressing the camera and on the right there are close ups what students are work.
SOPHIE SPEAKS: I am looking at internships, looking very actively for work experience. Anything to get me in the work force and get me in that environment.
VISUAL: Sophie wearing goggles operating engineering lab equipment.
SOPHIE SPEAKS: Dream scenario: I would definitely be working somewhere really obscure somewhere like Antarctica or Dubai or something that would really like blow my mind.
TEXT ON SCREEN: www.rmit.edu.au. The video features the song Blue available under a royalty free licence.